Celebrating TEN YEARS With New Merch

Saturday July 6th will be almost ten years to the day that i started my journey into the world of automotive photography & storytelling. I was sat in my friends house and had been debating starting a ‘club’ and had been bouncing the idea of a name amongst the group when someone remarked ‘None of us drive anything cool, how about…..’ thus this brand was born.

I never thought I’d have the opportunity to showcase my work to hundreds, let alone thousnads of people over the years and only very recently did I begin to realise that I’ve become the 30 year old that the 20 year old me wanted to be. But its far from about me and I’m not about to wax lyrical about all the things I’ve done and accomplished because, whilst I might be the lad with the camera, its everyone I’ve met that gives all of the words, the photos and the videos substance. Its you, the person reading this that makes it all tangible and mean something.

If people weren’t cool enough to let me rock up to a shoot or someones house or shed and tell me stories then all of this would mean fuck all. Its the instagram messages, the texts, the people who mesage me consistently and let me bounce ideas off them and also those who I may not see for years, yet when we meet somewhere its like we’re always talking.

To celebrate, the most rewarding ten years of my life so far, I thought it would mean a lot to those who support me to piece together a brand new merch line, especially seeing as I missed a merch drop last year for the first time since I started. The line includes, hoodies, windbreakers, tee, hats, notepads amongst some other token items and will be fulfilled on a print on demand basis. That means that your order will be custom made for you(No more waiting 4 weeks for the pre-order to close).

As always, this isn’t about money, I make little to nothing on most of what is available and its merely to offer something to the people who give me their time and patience.

Thank you once again for your continued support, I’d never be celebrating this massive milestone if it wasn’t for everybody reading this.


Doryoku After Dark


Peace, Serenity & Style at DxN Invitational