G-Corp S13

In the world of automotive enthusiasm, certain vehicles emerge as timeless icons, transcending whatever era they came from to become symbols of style and subcultural significance. Without question, PS13 has etched its name deeply into the hearts of drift enthusiasts, Japanese aficionados, and classic car collectors. Today, I’d like to turn the spotlight onto one of these remarkable machines that marries Japanese engineering with aftermarket artistry: Sheilanns(@sheilann_hodnett) G-Corp clad, Volk GTC wearing Silvia.

The S13, part of the illustrious Silvia lineup, needs little introduction. Its lightweight chassis, rear-wheel-drive layout, and responsive handling have made it a favorite canvas for stance and racecar enthusiasts alike. The S13's ability to wear its age with grace, its lines and silhouette echoing a timeless appeal to those beautiful & grainy videos that repost pages go crazy for, making it a perfect candidate for aesthetic and performance upgrades.

Enter G-Corporation(not the one from Tekken), a name synonymous with premium quality aftermarket body kits that enhance vehicles' aesthetic appeal without sacrificing their original spirit. Covering everything from body kits to their little ghost mascot, this company, whilst incredibly popular, never fully gained the popularity it deserved in Europe or the US. I’d be inclined to say thats no bad thing, as its protected the prices and availibility of a lot of their products so that genuine enthuisiasts, like myself and Sheilann can still obtain cool new parts without needing to remortgage my house.

The body kit reimagines the S13's exterior with a blend of aggression and elegance. The front bumper, with its sleek, aerodynamic lines, offers a more menacing stance. The side skirts smooth the transition from the front to the rear, with a mildly subtle vent front and rear, while the rear bumper and DMAX spoilers complete the look, giving it a poised appearance. Bear in mind, this car was only finished in the weeks prior to shooting these photos, there are still some things to iron out like ride height and front wheel fitment which I was quickly DM’d on Instagram in the days following the shoot to assure me that those little niggles had been addressed in anticipation of an appearance at the West Cork Rally.

Whilst the body kit serves as a lovely visual treat, it would be rude and unjust to call this car a one trick pony. Everything from the heart shaped indicators in the front bumper to the knee pads that were an optional extra(Never knew about these, not tall boy approved but cool as fuck nonetheless) makes this car solely unique and if you’re a genuine enthusiast of 90s Japanese sports cars, like Sheilann and myself, then you’ll know that being unique is both difficult and costly. Piecing together such a collection of parts isn’t easy, most of them can’t be bought from some website or store.

The choice of red for this Nissan S13 is no accident. Red, the colour of champions and ‘fast yokes‘, compliments the car's dynamic lines and the bold statement made by the G-Corp kit. The colour was certainly a topic of contention as I’d done some lilac mockups of this prior to it going to paint but(I’m biased) Red thankfully prevailed and whilst I think a soft purple would’ve accentuated a lot of cool elements of the car, you can’t say this car doesn’t drip cool.

While the focus will inevitably be on the exterior, the interior and some notably jazzy bits under the bonnet are certainly worth mentioning. The valve cover is a worth of art that few painters could create but my one time fishing companion Marty Coyle(@martycturbo) pulled this one out of the bag with his amazing vision and talent. You’ll also notice a well-decorated interior with S15 seats, a Momo wheel, GREX knob and a whole host of tasty little electronics that monitor the SR20DETs vital signs. Don’t forget the Hello Kitty mirror cover too!!

I was never passing up the opportunity to shoot this car, especially when I was only home in Ireland for 10 days and although the weather wasn’t super cooperative, the moody wet scenes overlooking Dungarvan certainly eased the Guinness/Vodka hangover I was nursing.


Check, Check


Static Corolla